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Welcome to

Drayton Park Nursery
and Primary School

Together we learn

Welcome to

Drayton Park Nursery
and Primary School

Together we learn

Our Federation: The Edventure Collaborative

Drayton Park is currently in a federation with a partner school, Montem Primary. Both are unique, autonomous schools, with their own ethos and values, focused above all on serving the needs of their children and families. Both also work together, in creative partnership, to support each other, challenge each other and grow. 


Our federation is called The Edventure Collaborative. It provides governance to both schools, supports and develops the leadership in each school and manages collaboration between the schools.


Unfortunately, in the context of reducing numbers of children across London, a decision has been taken to close Montem school in August 2024. This means that our federation will be coming to an end. Drayton Park will become a stand-alone school, as it was before it federated in 2017. Governors and staff at Drayton Park have gained much from working in partnership with Montem. We wish our colleagues there the very best of futures. We are confident that the transition back to stand-alone status will be very smooth and we look forward to continuing growing and developing into the future.
