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Welcome to

Drayton Park Nursery
and Primary School

Welcome to

Drayton Park Nursery
and Primary School

Help our children become responsible, respectful, active citizens who contribute positively to society

Responsibility, respect, independence and agency, collaboration and contribution - these are key to everything we are at Drayton Park and everything we want for our children.  These are the things our school values are about, created as they were by all stakeholders and experienced and celebrated daily through our behaviour system. 


A key element of our school vision is that pupils are inspired and empowered to drive positive change, for their future selves and the world. Many aspects of our curriculum focus on giving pupils choice and enabling them to be active agents in their own growth and learning. We invest heavily in developing pupils' cultural capital, not least by engaging in Islington's 11 by 11 programme. We open their eyes to the choices and possibilities waiting for them in the world of work. We engage them in current affairs and teach them about key social and political issue in their futures, such as sustainability. Our children have been on climate change marches and delivered speeches at Islington Town Hall.


We place a strong emphasis on oracy and debate, teaching pupils to listen thoughtfully, consider carefully and disagree in agreeable ways. We place pupil voice at the heart of what we do. We run an innovative, inclusive form of school council, run by Year 6 pupils, involving all children from Year 2 upwards in mixed-age, whole-school discussions. We give all our pupils experience of collaborative decision making and direct democracy.
