It is very important that your child attends school every day. Missing school means missing learning and your child could fall behind. If your child is too ill to attend school then please call the office before 9am to inform us of the reason for absence.
Please try to arrange medical appointments outside the school day.
If you believe your child needs to be absent from school then please discuss this with the office. Unauthorised or repeated absences are referred to the Educational Welfare Officer and can lead to prosecution.
It is extremely important for all children to arrive at school on time, by 8.55 am. Children are welcomed into the school from 8.45am. Children arriving after 8.55am will be recorded in the register as late.
Children must be collected on time at 3.30pm (11:45am for morning nursery).
If your child is repeatedly late, our Attendance Officer will contact you for a meeting.
Please refer to the School Attendance Policy below.