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Welcome to

Drayton Park Nursery
and Primary School

Together we learn

Welcome to

Drayton Park Nursery
and Primary School

Together we learn

How Drayton Park is Structured

Drayton Park has a special structure. Whereas most schools have 1, 2 or 3 'forms of entry', meaning they have 30, 60 or 90 pupils per year group, we are a 1.5 form entry school. This means we have on average 45 children in each year group. Children can start with us from the age of three. Uniquely, our Early Years department runs to the end of Year 1. We believe strongly in the advantages of a child-centered, play-based approach for our youngest children.


In Reception and Year 1, in Years 2 & 3 and in Years 4 & 5, some pupils are taught in mixed-age classes. We work this out by children's age. We also take into account special needs, social factors and the need to create balanced classes. 


In Year 6, pupils are taught in two, small, distinct classes. This enables us to ensure they achieve their full potential as they complete primary school. It also enables us to support them very well in their transition to secondary education.


Here is an example of the way we join year groups:


This enables us to effectively address the disadvantage faced by summer born children in many schools. At Drayton Park, children are in classes with only a few months' gap between them, rather than the full year common to many schools.
