Change a Child's Life - Fostering
Islington is searching hard for new foster carers, as there is a shortage of people willing to do this profoundly important job. We are very keen to support them.
Fostering involves giving someone else’s child a safe and loving home for a couple of nights, months or even years. Children go into foster care when they cannot live at home. This can be for many reasons, such as their parents might be ill, or have a substance misuse problem.
Foster caring can change children’s lives in incredible, positive ways. It is a profoundly rewarding experience. When you choose to foster with Islington you’ll receive a generous financial allowance up to £815 a week, 24/7 support and fantastic training opportunities. By providing a stable and welcoming home you will be giving children in real need the chance for a better future. Islington is looking for people who can give children and young people a safe, caring and supportive home and who can work with them as part of a team.
The borough welcomes people of any ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age or religion. It doesn’t matter whether you’re married, in a civil partnership or single, whether you have a job or if you have a disability or long term health issue. There’s no typical foster family, just as there’s no typical child or young person. There are different types of foster care available, so you can choose the one that suits you best.
All you need to become a foster carer is to be over 21 and have the space in your home and time in your life to care for a child. You’ll also need to be in good enough health to care for a child or young person.
Don’t rule yourself out, even if you feel you might not have everything it takes.
If you have questions about any aspect of fostering or would like to talk to someone about it before making a decision, call Islington’s fostering team on 020 7527 7933 or email them at More information is available on
Over the years, there have been children fostered in both our schools. I know of a number who would benefit enormously from access to a stable, caring home. Even if you are only interested in the most tentative way, please do click on the links above and find out more. Doing so could be the start of one of the most rewarding and important journeys of your life.