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Welcome to

Drayton Park Nursery
and Primary School

Welcome to

Drayton Park Nursery
and Primary School

Drayton Park's Values

We believe that a strong set of values are a foundation stone of being a great school. Our values were chosen in full consultation with pupils, parents, teachers and Governors. We call them the Drayton Park Way. They provide us with a moral compass, as individual members of a community organisation.


We refer to and discuss the Drayton Park Way throughout the Curriculum. It underpins our approach to behaviour. We celebrate success in demonstrating the Drayton Park Way through weekly assemblies and special postcards, sent home to parents. In the words of Ofsted 2016: Pupils’ confidence and self-esteem grows by living ‘The Drayton Park Way’. They learn to be resilient, to try out ideas and to work as part of a team.


Our values are:
