Our Curriculum
In 2019, we developed our curriculum to ensure it is purposeful, creative and enriches the lives of every Drayton Park pupil. In 2023, we audited our already well embedded curriculum and made further edits and enhancements to ensure the best possible curriculum for all our children. During our curriculum redesign, we thought carefully about the knowledge and skills we want our children to take with them into the world.
Our current curriculum is an evolution of our previous one, retaining the best of what we had, improving upon aspects we felt could be better and it includes new, ambitious learning which runs consistently through every classroom.
Our Long Term Progression Map (with linked documents) can be found here:
Our curriculum sets out what we intend pupils to learn at each stage of their journey with us. When designing it, we took into account staff and pupil views and asked ourselves and our children the following questions:
- What are your dreams and aspirations for your life?
- What knowledge, skills, and habits of mind do you need to achieve your dreams?
- Do you feel like you are represented in our curriculum?
- What would you like to see included in the curriculum?
Equipped with our pupils' thoughtful and ambitious answers, along with our clear school vision, we worked in teams to develop the curriculum set out below.
Our current Thematic Overview Documents can be found here:
Our curriculum provides pupils with a coherent learning journey from Nursery through to Year 6. In all subjects we have ensured that knowledge and skills are taught sequentially and progressively, so that new knowledge and skills build on prior knowledge and skills in a clear, logical and structured way.
Every term, we send home a 'Thematic Map' for each phase of the school to inform parents of the learning their child will experience. These documents clearly explain the learning taking place in each subject, mostly linked to the term's theme.
These Thematic Maps also outline the learning that children are expected to do at home. At Drayton Park, we are passionate about making home learning meaningful and have sought to create an approach which is creative and fun, ensuring it caters to a range of learning preferences. We want children, and their families, to enjoy their learning at home!
Here are our Thematic Maps:
Our key curriculum policies can be accessed below:
Our Curriculum Policy sets out in detail how our curriculum is structured and the rationale behind its approach. It also explains how our curriculum fulfills the requirements of the National Curriculum and how it stretches above and beyond this.
Our Teaching and Learning Policy explains how we have used educational and neuroscientific research to inform our practice, ensuring that the best methods are employed by our teachers to enable pupils to learn new information and skills and retain and apply these over time and in multiple contexts.
All of our subject policies are written as a guide for teachers to follow, clearly explaining how we teach each subject. Our key subject policies can be found below:
If you would like to know anything further about our curriculum, please contact our school office with your enquiries. Address your email for the attention of the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher.
We are always willing to work with other schools on curriculum development and we offer consultancy and advisory days.