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Welcome to

Drayton Park Nursery
and Primary School

Together we learn

Welcome to

Drayton Park Nursery
and Primary School

Together we learn

Our Current Clubs Offer

In normal times, we offer our children a wide range of clubs, in the mornings, at lunchtimes and after school. Every year we run a school council meeting to find out what our children want and then do our best to offer this. Lots of school staff are involved in running clubs. This year, our offer will involve a wide range of sports, dance, Spanish, cooking, choir, board games, gardening, sewing, debating and more! 


Clubs run for 10 weeks each term. Payment is necessary for some, to provide for resources or the costs of an instructor. Some are free. 


Morning clubs run from 8am and after school clubs finish at 4:45pm.


Every term we send home a new clubs offer to parents. An example is available below. Due to the coronavirus lockdown we are unfortunately not running activity clubs at the moment. As soon as possible, they'll be back!

